Monday, February 10, 2014

Update on the Griffin's

I believe a lot has changed in my life in the last two and a half years since I have posted. I now have my third and final bundle of joy. My sweet baby Peyton Scott is 4 months old. He is such a sweet baby. We love him so much. He is growing too fast. I see how quickly time flies by now that I have my own little ones. With Peyton being our last baby, every new milestone is so bittersweet. I know I cannot have these moments back. I will not have another newborn, there will be no more first foods, first laughs, first baths, and so on.. However, I am looking forward to all the new "firsts" that we take place.

 The Griffin's are now a home school family. Haley is in third grade and is doing very well. We celebrated our 100th day of School last week. Haley and Parker (not yet in school) loved all the fun activities that we did. Here are a few pictures of our fun day:
Chaining 100 Cheerios onto Yarn.
100th Day Breakfast (Yes, she loves coffee)

100th Day Glasses

100th Day Decor

Haley has also started piano lessons. Piano is something that I have always desired to learn to play. She has only had one lesson thus far, but I think she will learn quickly. It is financially tight on us right now; however, I think of the lessons as an investment. I am making the sacrifice financially to be able to give her a priceless gift. I am so excited about it. Haley is 9 years old and such a little mommy. She is a great helper in regards to her baby brother. She has a beautiful singing voice, but is very shy. She does not like to sing in front of anyone right now. She did however sing a solo in our Christmas play.
(l to r): Kara, Haley, Emma, and Ella

Parker is just as happy-go-lucky as ever. He is a very sweet handsome 5 year-old. He is now a BIG brother and is proud of that fact. :) He loves super heroes of every kind.He also loves to sing. I really am looking forward to listening to his voice progress as he learns more about singing. He is already so talented. He will start kindergarten this fall. I am very nervous and excited all at the same time. He already knows all his colors, shapes, numbers, he can count to 100, and knows a lot of his letters. I am thankful for my little guy.
I will close for now. I have kids to bathe, clothes to wash, and lots of other things that cannot wait. Keep checking back for more posts.